(DBA: Primeline Health LLC)
Last updated: February 23rd, 2022 (v 1.0.0)
We may change these terms at any time, as required by law. This may include changing, adding, or removing terms. We may do this in response to legal, business, competitive environment or other reasons not listed here.
Telehealth Consent
Telehealth is the type of care that allows clients to access behavioral health services using audio-video interface such as videoconferencing.
Electronic systems used will incorporate network and software security protocols to protect the confidentiality of client identification and imaging data and will include measures to safeguard the data and to ensure its integrity against intentional or unintentional corruption.
Expected Benefits:
Possible Risks:
As with any medical procedure, there are potential risks associated with the use of telehealth for behavioral health treatment. These risks include, but may not be limited to:
By consenting to these forms, I understand the following:
Client Consent to the Use of Tele-health
I have read and understand the information provided above regarding telehealth, have discussed it with my psychiatrist or other clinical staff as may be designated, and all of my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I hereby give my informed consent for the use of telehealth in my behavioral health care. I have been offered a copy of this form for my personal records.
My continued use of the services constitutes my understanding and acceptance of the above terms and I hereby authorize the use tele-health in the course of my diagnosis and treatment.
HIPAA Consent
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) provides safeguards to protect your privacy. Implementation of HIPAA requirements officially began on April 14, 2003. This form is a “friendly” version. A more complete text is available in the office and online.
What this is all about: Specifically, there are rules and restrictions on who may see or be notified of your Protected Health Information (PHI). These restrictions do not include the normal interchange of information necessary to provide you with office services. HIPAA provides certain rights and protections to you as the patient. We balance these needs with our goal of providing you with quality professional service and care. Additional information is available from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. http://www.hhs.gov
We have adopted the following policies:
Financial Consent
I understand and accept the terms in order to render services that a credit card must be kept on file and that any remaining balances for services rendered shall be paid in full. I authorize Primeline Health LLC, to submit on my behalf and the release of any medical records or other information necessary to process my consultation order. Fee schedules and receipts for all professional services are available upon request.
I authorize Primeline Health LLC, to make invoice changes and debit my account for orders placed, goods received, and/or services rendered not fully covered by third party vouchers or credits. I authorize Primeline Health LLC, to charge my credit card account upon any unpaid balances due. All programs are auto-renewing and I consent to be automatically charged for any program I am a part of unless I explicitly request to cancel before my payment is processed. There are no refunds or exchanges. I certify that I am an authorized user of this credit card and that I will not dispute the payments with my credit card company.
Shipping Authorization
All prescription medications dispensed by Anazao Health Services are dispensed according to state and federal law with the approval of the pharmacist in charge and in compliance with all laws applicable from the relevant Medical Boards and State Boards of Pharmacy. The customer requesting shipping disclaims and agrees to holds harmless Primeline Health LLC for any delays or errors during the shipping process. Medication is considered dispensed and the order completed when it is signed out for shipping, not when it arrives via delivery.
My continued use of the services constitutes my understanding and acceptance of the above terms and I give permission for Primeline Health LLC to ship medication to me at the address provided in my intake form or any other address given by me to the company, and agree to all of the conditions listed above.